# systrayUpdater 󱉛 PyQt5 system tray applet notifier of available updates. For Arch (based) systems only! Right click to access menu actions: - Run update - Read the News - Display list of packages with updates available - (click to find package on Arch linux Package Search website) To install: ``` git clone https://github.com/ericlay/systrayUpdater.git cd systrayUpdater makepkg -sric ``` Post install: It is suggested to copy `/etc/systrayupdater` to `$HOME/.config/systrayupdater` Uses config file for options: `/etc/systrayupdater/config.yml` - Terminal command (set to `$TERM` by default) - Set terminal option (usually `-e`) - Timer duration for `checkupdates` to run in backgound - Custom system tray icon - Defaults to `$HOME/systrayupdater/config.yml` if found Includes: - .desktop file for autostarting - Tray and shortcut icons