30 lines
691 B
30 lines
691 B
Masquerain Bug Type Pokémon
MASQUERAIN intimidates enemies
with the eyelike patterns on
its antennas. Masquerain flaps
its four wings to freely fly
in any direction - even sideways
and backwards - as if it were
a helicopter.
Evolution Chain
Surskit ► Masquerain
↞--------| STATS |--------↠
hp: 70
attack: 60
defense: 62
special-attack: 100
special-defense: 82
speed: 80
Genus: Eyeball Pokémon
Happiness: 70 Pokedex ID: 284
Base Exp: 159 Capture Rate: 75
Height: 8 Weight: 36
Location Areas:
Sinnoh route 229 area
Kalos route 3 area