32 lines
714 B
32 lines
714 B
Herdier Normal Type Pokémon
It has black, cape-like fur
that is very hard and decreases
the amount of damage it receives.
Evolution Chain
Lillipup ► Herdier ► Stoutland
↞--------| STATS |--------↠
hp: 65
attack: 80
defense: 65
special-attack: 35
special-defense: 65
speed: 60
Genus: Loyal Dog Pokémon
Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 507
Base Exp: 130 Capture Rate: 120
Height: 9 Weight: 147
Location Areas:
Cold storage area
P2 laboratory area
Unova route 1 area
Unova route 2 area
Unova route 3 area
Unova route 10 area
Unova route 10 victory road gate