# Fuzzy-Pokedex Very simple fzf based pokedex I built for my son to enjoy ![Screenshot](https://github.com/ericlay/fuzzy-pokedex/blob/main/screenshot.png?raw=true) Requires BeautifulSoup4, fzf, parallel, pokemon-colorscipts and, any nerd font; all else should be there Credits to the great projects below in which do most the heavy lifting: \ https://gitlab.com/phoneybadger/pokemon-colorscripts \ https://github.com/rmccorm4/Pokefetch ## To-do * [ ] Rewrite arg parsing loop * [ ] Drop `echo`, use `printf` instead * [ ] Rewrite to use `PokeAPI` as data source * [ ] Refactor to allow user to choose local data source or from web * [ ] Get sprites from `PokeAPI` if possible * [ ] Work on TTS to read entries * [ ] Add `ripgrep` to filter on various attributes