Meditite Fighting Type Pokémon MEDITITE undertakes rigorous mental training deep in the mountains. However, whenever it meditates, Meditite always loses its concentration and focus. As a result, its training never ends. Evolution Chain Meditite ► Medicham ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 30 attack: 40 defense: 55 special-attack: 40 special-defense: 55 speed: 60 Genus: Meditate Pokémon Happiness: 70 Pokedex ID: 307 Base Exp: 56 Capture Rate: 180 Height: 6 Weight: 112 Location Areas: Mt coronet 1f route 207 Mt coronet 1f route 216 Mt coronet 1f route 211 Mt coronet b1f Acuity lakefront area Sinnoh route 208 area Sinnoh route 210 west towards celestic town Sinnoh route 211 west towards eterna city Sinnoh route 211 east towards celestic town Sinnoh route 216 area Sinnoh route 217 area Sprout tower 2f Sprout tower 3f Burned tower 1f Burned tower b1f Bell tower 2f Bell tower 3f Bell tower 4f Bell tower 5f Bell tower 6f Bell tower 7f Bell tower 8f Bell tower 9f Bell tower 10f Mt pyre outside Hoenn victory road b1f Connecting cave area