Cascoon Bug Type Pokémon CASCOON makes its protective cocoon by wrapping its body entirely with a fine silk from its mouth. Once the silk goes around its body, it hardens. Cascoon prepares for its evolution inside the cocoon. Evolution Chain Wurmple ► Silcoon ► Beautifly Stage 2 Forms: silcoon cascoon Stage 3 Forms: beautifly dustox ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 50 attack: 35 defense: 55 special-attack: 25 special-defense: 25 speed: 15 Genus: Cocoon Pokémon Happiness: 70 Pokedex ID: 268 Base Exp: 72 Capture Rate: 120 Height: 7 Weight: 115 Location Areas: Eterna forest area Sinnoh route 205 east towards eterna city Petalburg woods area