Arbok Poison Type Pokémon It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area. Evolution Chain Ekans ► Arbok ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 60 attack: 95 defense: 69 special-attack: 65 special-defense: 79 speed: 80 Genus: Cobra Pokémon Happiness: 70 Pokedex ID: 24 Base Exp: 157 Capture Rate: 90 Height: 35 Weight: 650 Location Areas: Great marsh area 1 Great marsh area 2 Great marsh area 3 Great marsh area 4 Great marsh area 5 Great marsh area 6 Johto route 42 area Mt silver outside Kanto route 26 area Kanto route 27 area Kanto route 28 area Kanto route 3 area Kanto route 4 area Cerulean cave 1f Cerulean cave b1f Kanto route 23 area Kanto victory road 2 1f Kanto victory road 2 2f Kanto victory road 2 3f Johto safari zone zone marshland