# Fuzzy-Pokédex ### The Pokédex for your terminal Simple fzf based Pokédex I built for my son to enjoy. Parses results from [PokeAPI](pokeapi.co/) and feeds combined results from `pokemon-colorscripts` to `fzf` ![Screenshot](https://github.com/ericlay/fuzzy-pokedex/blob/main/screenshot.png?raw=true) A very wonky preview: [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/581487.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/581487) ## Install Requires fzf, parallel, jq, espeak-ng, pokemon-colorscipts and, any nerd font; all else should be there ### Arch (and arch based) ``` $ git clone https://github.com/ericlay/fuzzy-pokedex.git $ cd fuzzy-pokedex $ makepkg -si ``` ## Usage ``` Use fzf to search Pokemon stats Can optionally search by name EXAMPLE pokedex [pokemon name] OPTIONS -q, --quick [pokemon] Prints single Pokédex entry to terminal -u, --update [N/+N/-N/N%] Scrape web for updated Pokémon stats WARNING: update function is resource heavy See Parallel job control (-j) for options Default is 200% -h, --help Print this help screen KEYBINDS space Reads the Pokedex entry ctrl-space Stops reading the Pokédex entry ctrl-n Shows small sprite version ctrl-b Shows large sprite version ctrl-s Shows shiny sprite version ctrl-h Shows this help screen in preview window ``` Credits to the great projects below: \ [Pokémon-colorscripts](https://gitlab.com/phoneybadger/pokemon-colorscripts) && [Pokefetch](https://github.com/rmccorm4/Pokefetch) ## To-do * [ ] Better arg parsing * [ ] Refactor to allow user to choose local data source or from web * [ ] Get sprites from `PokeAPI` if possible {PR WELCOME!} * [ ] Work on TTS to read entries * [ ] Add ability to filter on various attributes