Lunala Psychic Type Pokémon It is said to be a female evolution of Cosmog. When its third eye activates, away it flies to another world. Evolution Chain Cosmog ► Cosmoem ► Solgaleo Stage 3 Forms: solgaleo lunala ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 137 attack: 113 defense: 89 special-attack: 137 special-defense: 107 speed: 97 Genus: Moone Pokémon Happiness: 0 Pokedex ID: 792 Base Exp: 340 Capture Rate: 45 Height: 40 Weight: 1200 Types: Psychic Ghost ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Shadow-shield: When this Pokémon has full HP, regular damage (not fixed damage!) from moves is halved. This ability cannot be nullified. Location Areas: