Empoleon Water Type Pokémon The three horns that extend from its beak attest to its power. The leader has the biggest horns. Evolution Chain Piplup ► Prinplup ► Empoleon ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 84 attack: 86 defense: 88 special-attack: 111 special-defense: 101 speed: 60 Genus: Emperor Pokémon Happiness: 70 Pokedex ID: 395 Base Exp: 239 Capture Rate: 45 Height: 17 Weight: 845 Types: Water Steel ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Torrent: When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its HP remaining, its water-type moves inflict 1.5× as much regular damage. Defiant: When any of this Pokémon's stats are lowered, its Attack rises by two stages. If multiple stats are lowered at once, this ability takes effect with each stat lowered. Location Areas: