Omastar Rock Type Pokémon A prehistoric Pokémon that died out when its heavy shell made it impossible to catch prey. Evolution Chain Omanyte ► Omastar ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 70 attack: 60 defense: 125 special-attack: 115 special-defense: 70 speed: 55 Genus: Spiral Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 139 Base Exp: 173 Capture Rate: 45 Height: 10 Weight: 350 Types: Rock Water ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Swift-swim: This Pokémon's Speed is doubled during rain. This bonus does not count as a stat modifier. Shell-armor: Moves cannot score critical hits against this Pokémon. This ability functions identically to battle armor. Weak-armor: Whenever a physical move hits this Pokémon, its Speed rises one stage and its Defense falls one stage. This ability triggers on every hit of a multiple-hit move. Location Areas: