Mawile    Steel Type Pokémon

  MAWHILE’s huge jaws are actually 
  steel horns that have been transformed. 
   Its docile-looking face serves 
  to lull its foe into letting 
  down its guard.  When the foe 
  least expects it, MAWHILE chomps 
  it with its gaping jaws. 
  Single Stage Evolution Pokémon

   ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ 
              hp:         50
          attack:         85
         defense:         85
  special-attack:         55
 special-defense:         55
           speed:         50

 Genus: Deceiver Pokémon
 Happiness: 50	Pokedex ID: 329
 Base Exp: 133	Capture Rate: 45
 Height:    6	Weight: 115




    This Pokémon's Attack cannot 
  be lowered by other Pokémon.

  This ability does not prevent 
  any Attack losses other than 
  stat modifiers, such as the Attack 
  cut from a burn. This Pokémon 
  can still be passed negative 
  Attack modifiers through heart 
  swap or power swap.


    When this Pokémon enters battle, 
  the opponent's Attack is lowered 
  by one stage. In a double battle, 
  both opponents are affected.

  This ability also takes effect 
  when acquired during a battle, 
  but will not take effect again 
  if lost and reobtained without 
  leaving battle.

  This ability has no effect 
  on an opponent that has a substitute.

  Overworld: If the first Pokémon 
  in the party has this ability, 
  any random encounter with a Pokémon 
  five or more levels lower than 
  it has a 50% chance of being 


    This Pokémon's moves with extra 
  effects have 1.3× their power, 
  but lose their extra effects.

  An effect chance is a move's 
  chance to inflict a status ailment, 
  cause a stat change, or make 
  the target flinch in addition 
  to the move's main effect. For 
  example, thunder shock's paralysis 
  is an extra effect, but thunder 
  wave's is not, nor are knock 
  off's item removal and air cutter's 
  increased critical hit rate.

  Moves that lower the user's 
  stats are unaffected.

 Location Areas:
   Iron island b1f left
   Iron island b1f right
   Iron island b2f right
   Iron island b2f left
   Iron island b3f
   Kanto route 9 area
   Granite cave b1f
   Granite cave b2f
   Cave of origin 1f
   Cave of origin b1f
   Cave of origin b2f
   Cave of origin b3f
   Hoenn victory road b1f
   Hoenn victory road b2f
   Sky pillar 1f
   Sky pillar 3f
   Sky pillar 5f
   Challengers cave 1f
   Challengers cave b1f
   Challengers cave b2f
   Glittering cave unknown area 303