Gigalith Rock Type Pokémon Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain. Evolution Chain Roggenrola ► Boldore ► Gigalith ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 85 attack: 135 defense: 130 special-attack: 60 special-defense: 80 speed: 25 Genus: Compressed Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 527 Base Exp: 258 Capture Rate: 45 Height: 17 Weight: 2600 Types: Rock ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Sturdy: When this Pokémon is at full HP, any hit that would knock it out will instead leave it with 1 HP. Regardless of its current HP, it is also immune to the one-hit KO moves: fissure, guillotine, horn drill, and sheer cold. If this Pokémon is holding a focus sash, this ability takes precedence and the item will not be consumed. Sand-stream: The weather changes to a sandstorm when this Pokémon enters battle and does not end unless cancelled by another weather condition. If multiple Pokémon with this ability, drizzle, drought, or snow warning are sent out at the same time, the abilities will activate in order of Speed, respecting trick room. Each ability's weather will cancel the previous weather, and only the weather summoned by the slowest of the Pokémon will stay. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the wild encounter rate is halved in a sandstorm. Sand-force: During a sandstorm, this Pokémon's rock-, ground-, and steel-type moves have 1.3× their base power. This Pokémon does not take sandstorm damage, regardless of type. Location Areas Unknown