Stoutland Normal Type Pokémon It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold. Evolution Chain Lillipup ► Herdier ► Stoutland ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 85 attack: 110 defense: 90 special-attack: 45 special-defense: 90 speed: 80 Genus: Big-Hearted Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 508 Base Exp: 250 Capture Rate: 45 Height: 12 Weight: 610 Types: Normal ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Intimidate: When this Pokémon enters battle, the opponent's Attack is lowered by one stage. In a double battle, both opponents are affected. This ability also takes effect when acquired during a battle, but will not take effect again if lost and reobtained without leaving battle. This ability has no effect on an opponent that has a substitute. Overworld: If the first Pokémon in the party has this ability, any random encounter with a Pokémon five or more levels lower than it has a 50% chance of being skipped. Sand-rush: This Pokémon's Speed is doubled during a sandstorm, and it does not take sandstorm damage, regardless of type. Scrappy: This Pokémon ignores ghost-type Pokémon's immunity to normal- and fighting-type moves. Ghost Pokémon's other types affect damage as usual. Location Areas: Cold storage area P2 laboratory area Unova route 1 area Unova route 2 area Unova route 3 area Unova route 10 area Unova route 10 victory road gate