Octillery Water Type Pokémon It traps enemies with its suction- cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock-hard head. Evolution Chain Remoraid ► Octillery ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 75 attack: 105 defense: 75 special-attack: 105 special-defense: 75 speed: 45 Genus: Jet Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 224 Base Exp: 168 Capture Rate: 75 Height: 9 Weight: 285 Types: Water ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Suction-cups: This Pokémon cannot be forced out of battle by moves such as whirlwind. dragon tail and circle throw still inflict damage against this Pokémon. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the success rate while fishing is increased. Sniper: This Pokémon inflicts triple damage with critical hits, rather than the usual double damage. Moody: After each turn, one of this Pokémon's stats at random rises two stages, and another falls one stage. If a stat is already at 6 or -6 stages, it will not be chosen to be increased or decreased, respectively. Location Areas: Pastoria city area Sunyshore city area Sinnoh pokemon league area Sinnoh route 212 east towards pastoria city Sinnoh route 213 area Sinnoh route 222 area Sinnoh route 224 area Sinnoh sea route 223 area Sinnoh sea route 230 area Hoenn safari zone expansion south Undella bay area Undella town area Unova route 21 area Shalour city area Kalos route 12 area Azure bay area