Crawdaunt Water Type Pokémon CRAWDAUNT has an extremely violent nature that compels it to challenge other living things to battle. Other life-forms refuse to live in ponds inhabited by Crawdaunt, making them desolate places. Evolution Chain Corphish ► Crawdaunt ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 63 attack: 120 defense: 85 special-attack: 90 special-defense: 55 speed: 55 Genus: Rogue Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 342 Base Exp: 164 Capture Rate: 155 Height: 11 Weight: 328 Types: Water Dark ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Hyper-cutter: This Pokémon's Attack cannot be lowered by other Pokémon. This ability does not prevent any Attack losses other than stat modifiers, such as the Attack cut from a burn. This Pokémon can still be passed negative Attack modifiers through heart swap or power swap. Shell-armor: Moves cannot score critical hits against this Pokémon. This ability functions identically to battle armor. Adaptability: This Pokémon inflicts twice as much damage with moves whose types match its own, rather than the usual same-type attack bonus of 1.5×. Location Areas: Celestic town area Striaton city area Unova route 3 area Kalos route 3 area Parfum palace area