Diancie Rock Type Pokémon A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world. Single Stage Evolution Pokémon ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 50 attack: 100 defense: 150 special-attack: 100 special-defense: 150 speed: 50 Genus: Jewel Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 719 Base Exp: 300 Capture Rate: 3 Height: 7 Weight: 88 Types: Rock Fairy ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Clear-body: This Pokémon cannot have its stats lowered by other Pokémon. This ability does not prevent any stat losses other than stat modifiers, such as the Speed cut from paralysis. This Pokémon can still be passed negative stat modifiers through guard swap, heart swap, or power swap. This ability functions identically to white smoke in battle. Location Areas Unknown