Slowking Water Type Pokémon It has incredible intellect and in­ tuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected. Evolution Chain Slowpoke ► Slowbro Stage 2 Forms: slowbro slowking ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 95 attack: 75 defense: 80 special-attack: 100 special-defense: 110 speed: 30 Genus: Royal Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 199 Base Exp: 172 Capture Rate: 70 Height: 20 Weight: 795 Types: Water Psychic ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Oblivious: This Pokémon cannot be infatuated and is immune to captivate. If a Pokémon is infatuated and acquires this ability, its infatuation is cleared. Own-tempo: This Pokémon cannot be confused. If a Pokémon is confused and acquires this ability, its confusion will immediately be healed. Regenerator: This Pokémon regains 1/3 of its maximum HP when it is switched out for another Pokémon under any circumstances other than having fainted. This ability does not take effect when a battle ends. Location Areas: Abundant shrine area