Mantine Water Type Pokémon As it majestically swims, it doesn't care if REMORAID attach to it for scavenging its leftovers. Evolution Chain Mantyke ► Mantine ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 85 attack: 40 defense: 70 special-attack: 80 special-defense: 140 speed: 70 Genus: Kite Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 226 Base Exp: 170 Capture Rate: 25 Height: 21 Weight: 2200 Types: Water Flying ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Swift-swim: This Pokémon's Speed is doubled during rain. This bonus does not count as a stat modifier. Water-absorb: Whenever a water-type move hits this Pokémon, it heals for 1/4 of its maximum HP, negating any other effect on it. Water moves will ignore this Pokémon's substitute. Water-veil: This Pokémon cannot be burned. If a Pokémon is burned and acquires this ability, its burn is healed; this includes when regaining a lost ability upon leaving battle. Location Areas: Johto sea route 41 area Trainer tower area Tanoby ruins area Undella bay area Undella town area Unova route 21 area