Lampent Ghost Type Pokémon This ominous Pokémon is feared. Through cities it wanders, searching for the spirits of the fallen. Evolution Chain Litwick ► Lampent ► Chandelure ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 60 attack: 40 defense: 60 special-attack: 95 special-defense: 60 speed: 55 Genus: Lamp Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 609 Base Exp: 130 Capture Rate: 90 Height: 6 Weight: 130 Types: Ghost Fire ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Flash-fire: This Pokémon is immune to fire-type moves. Once this Pokémon has been hit by a Fire move, its own Fire moves will inflict 1.5× as much damage until it leaves battle. This ability has no effect while the Pokémon is frozen. The Fire damage bonus is retained even if the Pokémon is frozen and thawed or the ability is lost or disabled. Fire moves will ignore this Pokémon's substitute. This ability takes effect even on non-damaging moves, i.e. will o wisp. Flame-body: Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user has a 30% chance of being burned. Overworld: If any Pokémon in the party has this ability, each egg in the party has its hatch counter decreased by 2 (rather than 1) each step cycle, making eggs hatch roughly twice as quickly. This effect does not stack if multiple Pokémon have this ability or magma armor. Infiltrator: This Pokémon's moves ignore light screen, reflect, and safeguard. Location Areas Unknown