Gossifleur Grass Type Pokémon It anchors itself in the ground with its single leg, then basks in the sun. After absorbing enough sunlight, its petals spread as it blooms brilliantly. Evolution Chain Gossifleur ► Eldegoss ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 40 attack: 40 defense: 60 special-attack: 40 special-defense: 60 speed: 10 Genus: Flowering Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 829 Base Exp: 50 Capture Rate: 190 Height: 4 Weight: 22 Types: Grass ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Cotton-down: Regenerator: This Pokémon regains 1/3 of its maximum HP when it is switched out for another Pokémon under any circumstances other than having fainted. This ability does not take effect when a battle ends. Effect-spore: Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user has a 30% chance of being paralyzed, poisoned, or put to sleep, chosen at random. Nothing is done to compensate if the move's user is immune to one of these ailments; there is simply a lower chance that the move's user will be affected. Location Areas Unknown