Combee Bug Type Pokémon A Pokémon formed by three others. It busily carries sweet floral honey to VESPIQUEN. Evolution Chain Combee ► Vespiquen ↞--------| STATS |--------↠ hp: 30 attack: 30 defense: 42 special-attack: 30 special-defense: 42 speed: 70 Genus: Tiny Bee Pokémon Happiness: 50 Pokedex ID: 443 Base Exp: 49 Capture Rate: 120 Height: 3 Weight: 55 Types: Bug Flying ↞---------------|ABILITIES|---------------↠ Honey-gather: This Pokémon has a chance of picking up honey after each battle. This chance starts at 5% and rises another 5% after every tenth level: 5% from level 1–10, 10% from 11–20, and so on, up to 50% from 91–100. This ability is checked after the battle ends, at which point any temporary ability changes have worn off. Hustle: This Pokémon's physical moves do 1.5× as much regular damage, but have 0.8× their usual accuracy. Special moves are unaffected. Moves that do set damage, such as seismic toss, have their accuracy affected, but not their damage. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, higher-levelled Pokémon have their encounter rate increased. Location Areas: Unova route 12 area Lostlorn forest area Kalos route 4 area