2023-04-22 12:02:33 -05:00
2023-04-23 20:46:49 -05:00
Armaldo A rock type Pokémon
2023-04-22 12:02:33 -05:00
2023-04-24 18:54:35 -05:00
ARMALDO’s tough armor makes
all attacks bounce off. This
Pokémon’s two enormous claws
can be freely extended or contracted.
They have the power to punch
right through a steel slab.
2023-04-23 20:46:49 -05:00
Evolution Chain
Anorith ► Armaldo
↞--------| STATS |--------↠
2023-04-22 12:02:33 -05:00
hp: 75
attack: 125
defense: 100
special-attack: 70
special-defense: 80
speed: 45
Pokedex ID: 348 Capture Rate: 45
Base Exp: 173 Happiness: 50
Height: 15 Weight: 682
Genus: Plate Pokémon
Location Areas:
2023-04-17 00:03:49 -05:00