Hey something for you to have a look at #4

opened 2022-04-17 23:17:00 -05:00 by rayiik · 1 comment
rayiik commented 2022-04-17 23:17:00 -05:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Hey love the idea of what your going for here and the amount of work i know went into this script and getting it up onto aur. So i want you to know this isn't a shot at your effort or the turn out. I wanted to bring to your attention a script that does this very well however no longer appears to be actively maintained and has some really nice functionality you could incorporate/borrow from.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

declare -r esc=$'\033'
declare -r c_reset="${esc}[0m"
declare -r c_red="${esc}[31m"
declare -r c_green="${esc}[32m"
declare -r c_blue="${esc}[34m"
declare distro
declare preview_pos='right:hidden'

usage() {
  LESS=-FEXR less <<HELP
pkgsearch [options] [query]
  lists and installs packages from your distro's repositories
  without any arguments pkgsearch will list all available packages from your cache
  note: on Arch Linux you must pass a string to query the AUR

err() {
  printf "${c_red}%s${c_reset}\n" "$*" >&2

die() {
  exit 1

has() {
  local verbose=0
  if [[ $1 = '-v' ]]; then
  for c; do c="${c%% *}"
    if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then
      (( "$verbose" > 0 )) && err "$c not found"
      return 1

select_from() {
  local cmd='command -v'
  for a; do
    case "$a" in
        shift 2
  for c; do
    if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then
      echo "$c"
      return 0
  return 1

fzf() {
  command fzf -e +s --multi --cycle --ansi \
    --bind='Ctrl-X:toggle-preview' \
    --no-hscroll --inline-info \
    --header='tab to select multiple packages, Ctrl-X for more info on a package' "$@"

install() {
  local pkgs count
  mapfile -t pkgs
  (( ${#pkgs} > 0 )) || exit
  count="${#pkgs[@]} package"
  (( ${#pkgs[@]} > 1 )) && count+='s'
  printf "installing %s: %s\n" "$count" "${pkgs[*]}"
  $1 "${pkgs[@]}" < /dev/tty

debian() {
  fzf --preview='apt-cache show {1}' \
      --query="$1" \
    < <(apt-cache search '.*' | sort |
      sed -u -r "s|^([^ ]+)|${c_green}\1${c_reset}|") |
    cut -d' ' -f1 |
    install "sudo $(select_from 'apt' 'aptitude' 'apt-get') install"

arch() {
  local search packages
  [[ -n "$1" ]] && search=$(select_from 'pacaur' 'trizen' 'yaourt' 'packer' 'apacman' 'pacman')
  packages=$(fzf --preview="$search -Si {2}" \
    < <( $search -Ss "$1" |
      gawk '{
        getline descr;
        sub(/ */,"", descr);
        repo = blue "[" gensub(/\/.*/, "", 1) "]" reset;
        name = green gensub(/.*\//, "", 1, $1) reset;
        info = gensub(/[^ ]* /, "", 1);
        print repo, name, info, descr;
      }' blue="$c_blue" green="$c_green" reset="$c_reset"
    ) | cut -d' ' -f2)
  [[ "$search" = "pacman" ]] && search="sudo pacman"
  install "$search -S" <<< "$packages"

void() {
  local package_list packagename='{ sub(/-[^\-]*$/, "", $2); print $2 }'
  package_list=$(xbps-query -Rs '' | sort)
  fzf --preview="p=\$(awk \"$packagename\" <<< {}); xbps-query -Rx \$p" \
      --query="$1" <<< "$package_list" |
    awk "$packagename" |
    install 'xbps-install -S'

fedora() {
  fzf --query="$*" --preview='p={}; p="${p%% *}"; dnf -q info "${p%.*}"' \
    < <(dnf -qC repoquery --qf "${c_green}%{name} ${c_reset} - %{summary}" \*) |
    awk '{ package=$1; sub(/\.\S+/, "", package); print package }' |
    install 'sudo dnf install'

while true; do
  case "$1" in
    -h|--help) usage; exit ;;
    -p|--preview) preview_pos="$2"; shift 2 ;;
    *) break

has -v fzf gawk || die


if [[ -r /etc/os-release ]]; then
  distro=$(awk -F'=' '"NAME" == $1 { gsub("\"", "", $2); print tolower($2); }' /etc/os-release)
  distro="${distro%% *}"

case "$distro" in
  debian|ubuntu) debian "$request" ;;
  arch) arch "$request" ;;
  void) void "$request" ;;
  fedora) fedora "$request" ;;
  *) die 'unknown distro :(' ;;


#!/usr/bin/env bash

declare by_size

has() {
  local verbose=0
  if [[ $1 = '-v' ]]; then
  for c; do c="${c%% *}"
    if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then
      (( "$verbose" > 0 )) && err "$c not found"
      return 1

err() {
  printf "\e[31m%s\e[0m\n" "$*" >&2

die() {
  (( $# > 0 )) && err "$*"
  exit 1

select_from() {
  local o c cmd OPTARG OPTIND
  cmd='command -v'
  while getopts 'c:' o; do
    case "$o" in
      c) cmd="$OPTARG" ;;
  shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
  for c; do
    if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then
      echo "$c"
      return 0
  return 1

has -v fzf expac || die

fzf() {
  command fzf -e --multi --no-hscroll --inline-info --cycle --bind='Ctrl-a:toggle-all' "$@"

case $1 in
  -s|--size) by_size=1; shift;

if (( $# > 0 )); then
  sudo pacman -Rcusn "$@"

preview=$(select_from pacaur pacman)

if (( by_size )); then
  mapfile -t pkgs < <(expac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -hr | fzf +s --preview="$preview --color=always -Si {3}" -q '!^lib ' | cut -f2)
  mapfile -t pkgs < <(expac '%n' | fzf +s --preview="$preview --color=always -Si {1}" -q '!^lib ' | cut -d' ' -f1)

(( ${#pkgs[@]} > 0 )) && sudo pacman -Rcusn "${pkgs[@]}"

js (fzf package search in npm requires npm, jq)

#!/usr/bin/env bash

declare -r esc=$'\033'
declare -r c_reset="${esc}[0m"
declare -r c_red="${esc}[31m"
declare OPTIND
declare -a opts=( -\# )
declare id

usage() {
  LESS=-FEXR less <<'HELP'
-l             list all pastes, uses fzf for interactive use
-d [id]        delete the paste at [id]
-i [id]        replaces the paste with stdin
-h             print this help

err() {
  printf "${c_red}%s${c_reset}\n" "$@" >&2

die() {
  err "$@"
  exit 1

has() {
  local verbose=0
  if [[ $1 == '-v' ]]; then
  for c; do c="${c%% *}"
    if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then
      (( verbose > 0 )) && err "$c not found"
      return 1

select_from() {
  local cmd='command -v'
  for a; do
    case "$a" in
      -c) cmd="$2"; shift 2 ;;
  for c; do
    if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then
      echo "$c"
      return 0
  return 1

has_account() {
  [[ -r ~/.netrc ]] && grep -qF 'ix.io' ~/.netrc

create_account() {
  echo "It seems you don't have a ~/.netrc with ix.io in it. Let's make one!"
  read -r -p 'enter a username: ' username
  read -rs -p 'enter a password (this will be hashed with sha256sum): ' password
  echo ''
  password=$(sha256sum <<< "$password")
  password="${password/%  -}"
  printf "machine ix.io login %s password %s" "$username" "$password" >> ~/.netrc
  chmod 600 ~/.netrc
  if has_account; then
    echo 'success!'
    die 'could not create account!'

get_user_name() {
  awk '"ix.io" == $2 { print $4 }' ~/.netrc

get_pastes() {
  curl -s "http://ix.io/user/$1" |
    grep -A1 -P '\<a href="\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+"\>' |
    awk -F'--' '
      BEGIN {FS="<a href=\""}
      /a href/{ sub(/\">\[r\]<\/a>/, "\t", $2); printf "http://ix.io" $2 }
      /@/{sub(/^\s+/, "", $0); print}

list_pastes() {
  local highlighter
  highlighter=$(select_from 'bat --color always --style numbers,header,snip' 'highlight -q --force -O ansi' pygmentize cat)
  url=$(get_pastes "$(get_user_name)" | fzf \
    --inline-info --cycle \
    --header='Ctrl-E = edit; Ctrl-V = view; Ctrl-D = delete' \
    --preview="curl -s '{1}' | ${highlighter}" \
    --bind 'space:jump' \
    --bind 'q:abort' \
    --bind "Ctrl-V:execute:less -R < <(curl -s '{1}' ${highlighter:+ | $highlighter}) > /dev/tty" \
    --bind 'Ctrl-E:execute:p={1}; edit=$(curl -s "$p" | vipe); ix -i "${p##*/}" <<< "$edit"' \
  if [[ -n "$url" ]]; then
    mapfile -t res <<< "$url"
    if [[ "${res[0]}" = 'Ctrl-D' ]]; then
      ix -d "$id"

has -v curl || die

has_account || create_account

[[ -e ~/.netrc ]] && opts+=( '-n' )

while getopts ":hld:i:n:" x; do
  case "$x" in
    h) usage; exit ;;
    d) curl -s "${opts[@]}" -X DELETE "$OPTARG"; exit ;;
      if [[ -e ~/.netrc ]]; then
        [[ -n "$url" ]] && cut -f1 <<< "$url" | tee | xclip
        die 'no netrc found'
      exit ;;
    i) opts+=( -X PUT ); id="$OPTARG" ;;
    n) opts+=( -F "read:1=$OPTARG" ) ;;
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))

if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
  if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
    response=$(curl "${opts[@]}" -F f:1=@"$filename" "$@" "ix.io/$id")
    clipboard=$(select_from 'xclip -r ' 'xsel')
    if [[ -n "$clipboard" ]]; then
      tee /dev/tty <<< "$response" | $clipboard
      echo "$response"
  echo "^C to cancel, ^D to send."

curl "${opts[@]}" -F f:1='<-' "$@" "ix.io/$id"

pkgup (lists upgradable package and upgrades selection)

#!/usr/bin/env bash

has() {
  local verbose=0
  if [[ $1 = '-v' ]]; then
  for c; do c="${c%% *}"
    if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then
      (( "$verbose" > 0 )) && err "$c not found"
      return 1

err() {
  printf "\e[31m%s\e[0m\n" "$*" >&2

die() {
  (( $# > 0 )) && err "$*"
  exit 1

select_from() {
  local cmd='command -v'
  for a; do
    case "$a" in
        shift 2
  for c; do
    if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then
      echo "$c"
      return 0
  return 1

has -v fzf || die

helper=$(select_from pacaur trizen packer apacman pacman)

mapfile -t pkgs < <(
  $helper -Qu --color=always |
  fzf --ansi -e -m --inline-info --cycle --reverse --bind='Ctrl-A:toggle-all' |
  awk '{print $3}'

count="${#pkgs[@]} package"
(( ${#pkgs[@]} > 1 )) && count+='s'
printf "upgrading %s: %s\n" "$count" "${pkgs[*]}"

(( ${#pkgs[@]} > 0 )) && $helper -S "${pkgs[@]}"

these scripts were courtasy of daniel grey and are under the gnu genereal public licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/

Hey love the idea of what your going for here and the amount of work i know went into this script and getting it up onto aur. So i want you to know this isn't a shot at your effort or the turn out. I wanted to bring to your attention a script that does this very well however no longer appears to be actively maintained and has some really nice functionality you could incorporate/borrow from. pkgsearch [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/JbxNsYLI6WUrnxqfhItYbsLx4.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/JbxNsYLI6WUrnxqfhItYbsLx4) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash declare -r esc=$'\033' declare -r c_reset="${esc}[0m" declare -r c_red="${esc}[31m" declare -r c_green="${esc}[32m" declare -r c_blue="${esc}[34m" declare distro declare preview_pos='right:hidden' usage() { LESS=-FEXR less <<HELP pkgsearch [options] [query] lists and installs packages from your distro's repositories without any arguments pkgsearch will list all available packages from your cache note: on Arch Linux you must pass a string to query the AUR HELP } err() { printf "${c_red}%s${c_reset}\n" "$*" >&2 } die() { exit 1 } has() { local verbose=0 if [[ $1 = '-v' ]]; then verbose=1 shift fi for c; do c="${c%% *}" if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then (( "$verbose" > 0 )) && err "$c not found" return 1 fi done } select_from() { local cmd='command -v' for a; do case "$a" in -c) cmd="$2" shift 2 ;; esac done for c; do if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then echo "$c" return 0 fi done return 1 } fzf() { command fzf -e +s --multi --cycle --ansi \ --bind='Ctrl-X:toggle-preview' \ --no-hscroll --inline-info \ --header='tab to select multiple packages, Ctrl-X for more info on a package' "$@" } install() { local pkgs count mapfile -t pkgs (( ${#pkgs} > 0 )) || exit count="${#pkgs[@]} package" (( ${#pkgs[@]} > 1 )) && count+='s' printf "installing %s: %s\n" "$count" "${pkgs[*]}" $1 "${pkgs[@]}" < /dev/tty } debian() { fzf --preview='apt-cache show {1}' \ --query="$1" \ < <(apt-cache search '.*' | sort | sed -u -r "s|^([^ ]+)|${c_green}\1${c_reset}|") | cut -d' ' -f1 | install "sudo $(select_from 'apt' 'aptitude' 'apt-get') install" } arch() { local search packages search='pacman' [[ -n "$1" ]] && search=$(select_from 'pacaur' 'trizen' 'yaourt' 'packer' 'apacman' 'pacman') packages=$(fzf --preview="$search -Si {2}" \ < <( $search -Ss "$1" | gawk '{ getline descr; sub(/ */,"", descr); repo = blue "[" gensub(/\/.*/, "", 1) "]" reset; name = green gensub(/.*\//, "", 1, $1) reset; info = gensub(/[^ ]* /, "", 1); print repo, name, info, descr; }' blue="$c_blue" green="$c_green" reset="$c_reset" ) | cut -d' ' -f2) [[ "$search" = "pacman" ]] && search="sudo pacman" install "$search -S" <<< "$packages" } void() { local package_list packagename='{ sub(/-[^\-]*$/, "", $2); print $2 }' package_list=$(xbps-query -Rs '' | sort) fzf --preview="p=\$(awk \"$packagename\" <<< {}); xbps-query -Rx \$p" \ --query="$1" <<< "$package_list" | awk "$packagename" | install 'xbps-install -S' } fedora() { fzf --query="$*" --preview='p={}; p="${p%% *}"; dnf -q info "${p%.*}"' \ < <(dnf -qC repoquery --qf "${c_green}%{name} ${c_reset} - %{summary}" \*) | awk '{ package=$1; sub(/\.\S+/, "", package); print package }' | install 'sudo dnf install' } while true; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage; exit ;; -p|--preview) preview_pos="$2"; shift 2 ;; *) break esac done has -v fzf gawk || die request="$*" if [[ -r /etc/os-release ]]; then distro=$(awk -F'=' '"NAME" == $1 { gsub("\"", "", $2); print tolower($2); }' /etc/os-release) distro="${distro%% *}" fi case "$distro" in debian|ubuntu) debian "$request" ;; arch) arch "$request" ;; void) void "$request" ;; fedora) fedora "$request" ;; *) die 'unknown distro :(' ;; esac ``` pkgrm https://asciinema.org/a/DYCtFIsVOrvnofg8TBi3A4JZT ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash declare by_size has() { local verbose=0 if [[ $1 = '-v' ]]; then verbose=1 shift fi for c; do c="${c%% *}" if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then (( "$verbose" > 0 )) && err "$c not found" return 1 fi done } err() { printf "\e[31m%s\e[0m\n" "$*" >&2 } die() { (( $# > 0 )) && err "$*" exit 1 } select_from() { local o c cmd OPTARG OPTIND cmd='command -v' while getopts 'c:' o; do case "$o" in c) cmd="$OPTARG" ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND-1))" for c; do if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then echo "$c" return 0 fi done return 1 } has -v fzf expac || die fzf() { command fzf -e --multi --no-hscroll --inline-info --cycle --bind='Ctrl-a:toggle-all' "$@" } case $1 in -s|--size) by_size=1; shift; esac if (( $# > 0 )); then sudo pacman -Rcusn "$@" exit fi preview=$(select_from pacaur pacman) if (( by_size )); then mapfile -t pkgs < <(expac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -hr | fzf +s --preview="$preview --color=always -Si {3}" -q '!^lib ' | cut -f2) else mapfile -t pkgs < <(expac '%n' | fzf +s --preview="$preview --color=always -Si {1}" -q '!^lib ' | cut -d' ' -f1) fi (( ${#pkgs[@]} > 0 )) && sudo pacman -Rcusn "${pkgs[@]}" ``` js (fzf package search in npm requires npm, jq) [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/YN4BSxCVuDC8WpqFWAP3QcTsY.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/YN4BSxCVuDC8WpqFWAP3QcTsY) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash declare -r esc=$'\033' declare -r c_reset="${esc}[0m" declare -r c_red="${esc}[31m" declare OPTIND declare -a opts=( -\# ) declare id usage() { LESS=-FEXR less <<'HELP' ix [OPTIONS] -l list all pastes, uses fzf for interactive use -d [id] delete the paste at [id] -i [id] replaces the paste with stdin -h print this help HELP } err() { printf "${c_red}%s${c_reset}\n" "$@" >&2 } die() { err "$@" exit 1 } has() { local verbose=0 if [[ $1 == '-v' ]]; then verbose=1 shift fi for c; do c="${c%% *}" if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then (( verbose > 0 )) && err "$c not found" return 1 fi done } select_from() { local cmd='command -v' for a; do case "$a" in -c) cmd="$2"; shift 2 ;; esac done for c; do if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then echo "$c" return 0 fi done return 1 } has_account() { [[ -r ~/.netrc ]] && grep -qF 'ix.io' ~/.netrc } create_account() { echo "It seems you don't have a ~/.netrc with ix.io in it. Let's make one!" read -r -p 'enter a username: ' username read -rs -p 'enter a password (this will be hashed with sha256sum): ' password echo '' password=$(sha256sum <<< "$password") password="${password/% -}" printf "machine ix.io login %s password %s" "$username" "$password" >> ~/.netrc chmod 600 ~/.netrc if has_account; then echo 'success!' else die 'could not create account!' fi } get_user_name() { awk '"ix.io" == $2 { print $4 }' ~/.netrc } get_pastes() { curl -s "http://ix.io/user/$1" | grep -A1 -P '\<a href="\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+"\>' | awk -F'--' ' BEGIN {FS="<a href=\""} /a href/{ sub(/\">\[r\]<\/a>/, "\t", $2); printf "http://ix.io" $2 } /@/{sub(/^\s+/, "", $0); print} ' } list_pastes() { local highlighter highlighter=$(select_from 'bat --color always --style numbers,header,snip' 'highlight -q --force -O ansi' pygmentize cat) url=$(get_pastes "$(get_user_name)" | fzf \ --inline-info --cycle \ --header='Ctrl-E = edit; Ctrl-V = view; Ctrl-D = delete' \ --preview="curl -s '{1}' | ${highlighter}" \ --bind 'space:jump' \ --bind 'q:abort' \ --bind "Ctrl-V:execute:less -R < <(curl -s '{1}' ${highlighter:+ | $highlighter}) > /dev/tty" \ --bind 'Ctrl-E:execute:p={1}; edit=$(curl -s "$p" | vipe); ix -i "${p##*/}" <<< "$edit"' \ --expect='Ctrl-D') if [[ -n "$url" ]]; then mapfile -t res <<< "$url" if [[ "${res[0]}" = 'Ctrl-D' ]]; then id="${res[1]}" id="${id#*ix.io/}" id="${id%%$'\t'*}" ix -d "$id" list_pastes exit fi fi } has -v curl || die has_account || create_account [[ -e ~/.netrc ]] && opts+=( '-n' ) while getopts ":hld:i:n:" x; do case "$x" in h) usage; exit ;; d) curl -s "${opts[@]}" -X DELETE "$OPTARG"; exit ;; l) if [[ -e ~/.netrc ]]; then url=$(list_pastes) [[ -n "$url" ]] && cut -f1 <<< "$url" | tee | xclip else die 'no netrc found' fi exit ;; i) opts+=( -X PUT ); id="$OPTARG" ;; n) opts+=( -F "read:1=$OPTARG" ) ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) if [[ -t 0 ]]; then if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then filename="$1" shift response=$(curl "${opts[@]}" -F f:1=@"$filename" "$@" "ix.io/$id") clipboard=$(select_from 'xclip -r ' 'xsel') if [[ -n "$clipboard" ]]; then tee /dev/tty <<< "$response" | $clipboard else echo "$response" fi exit fi echo "^C to cancel, ^D to send." fi curl "${opts[@]}" -F f:1='<-' "$@" "ix.io/$id" ``` pkgup (lists upgradable package and upgrades selection) [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/vFciZdeAHLjCRtrfAhOZziaPM.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/vFciZdeAHLjCRtrfAhOZziaPM) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash has() { local verbose=0 if [[ $1 = '-v' ]]; then verbose=1 shift fi for c; do c="${c%% *}" if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then (( "$verbose" > 0 )) && err "$c not found" return 1 fi done } err() { printf "\e[31m%s\e[0m\n" "$*" >&2 } die() { (( $# > 0 )) && err "$*" exit 1 } select_from() { local cmd='command -v' for a; do case "$a" in -c) cmd="$2" shift 2 ;; esac done for c; do if $cmd "${c%% *}" &> /dev/null; then echo "$c" return 0 fi done return 1 } has -v fzf || die helper=$(select_from pacaur trizen packer apacman pacman) mapfile -t pkgs < <( $helper -Qu --color=always | fzf --ansi -e -m --inline-info --cycle --reverse --bind='Ctrl-A:toggle-all' | awk '{print $3}' ) count="${#pkgs[@]} package" (( ${#pkgs[@]} > 1 )) && count+='s' printf "upgrading %s: %s\n" "$count" "${pkgs[*]}" (( ${#pkgs[@]} > 0 )) && $helper -S "${pkgs[@]}" ``` these scripts were courtasy of daniel grey and are under the gnu genereal public licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
ericlay commented 2022-06-04 08:45:53 -05:00 (Migrated from github.com)

This is a really cool comment. As a hobby linux guy I go through burst of inspiration and then droughts of life getting in the way of projects. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together, it is def one of those inspiring moments. Greatly appreciated!

This is a really cool comment. As a hobby linux guy I go through burst of inspiration and then droughts of life getting in the way of projects. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together, it is def one of those inspiring moments. Greatly appreciated!
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Reference: ericlay/fuzzy-pkg-finder#4
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