added descriptions to AUR searchable index

This commit is contained in:
ericlay 2023-03-26 14:18:43 -05:00
parent 3dcbf20e37
commit 20a1da6d98
1 changed files with 13 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -41,24 +41,6 @@ UpdateInfos() {
[[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { echo -e "Files database is out of date\nSyncing now..."; sudo pacman -Fy; } [[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { echo -e "Files database is out of date\nSyncing now..."; sudo pacman -Fy; }
} }
# Build descriptions list for AUR packages
AurList() {
echo -e "\n\n Updating AUR package descriptions list"
echo -e ""$c_red" WARNING! CAUTION! CUIDADO!\n Will take 5 to 10 minutes depending on your machine\n\n "$c_reset""
rm -f /tmp/aur/packages-descriptions-meta
zcat <(curl | jq --compact-output '.[] | {Name, Version, Description, Keywords, PackageBase, URL, Popularity, OutOfDate, Maintainer, FirstSubmitted, LastModified, Depends, MakeDepends, License}' | perl -pe 's/^\{\"|\"?,"(?![^:]+\])/\n/g' | perl -pe 's/\\(?=")|\"(?=:)|:\K\[?\"\[?\"?|\"?\]\}?$//gm' | perl -pe 's/\",\" ?/ /gm' | perl -pe 's/^([^:]+)(:)(.*)$/$1 $2 $3/gm' | perl -pe 's/^.{16}\K +//gm' | perl -0777 -pe 's/\n+(?=Name)/\n\n\nRepository : AUR\n/gm' > /tmp/aur/packages-extracted-meta
block() {
description="$(grep -A 2 $pkgName $dataF | grep -m 1 Description | awk -F" :" '{print $2}')"
printf '%s\t%s\n' "$pkgName" "$description" >> "$endF"
export -f block
cat "$inputF" | parallel -j 250 block
# Check AUR helper # Check AUR helper
if [[ -z "$AHELPR" ]] if [[ -z "$AHELPR" ]]
@ -137,16 +119,23 @@ Remove() {
# Get AUR package database, remove unwanted lines, sort, mark installed, preview infos and finally hand off to yay for install # Get AUR package database, remove unwanted lines, sort, mark installed, preview infos and finally hand off to yay for install
Aur() { Aur() {
echo "Setting things up..." echo "Setting things up..."
[ -f /tmp/aur/packages-extracted-meta ] || { echo -e "Syncing AUR package database...\nCAUTION: This WILL take possibly 5 to 30 minutes depending on your machine"; wget -P /tmp/aur/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && gunzip -f /tmp/aur/packages.gz; echo "$(tail -n +2 /tmp/aur/packages)" > /tmp/aur/packages; AurList; } # [ -f /tmp/aur/packages-meta ] || { echo -e "Syncing AUR package database..."; wget -P /tmp/aur/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && gunzip -f /tmp/aur/packages.gz; echo "$(tail -n +2 /tmp/aur/packages)" > /tmp/aur/packages; AurList; }
d1=$(stat -c %y /tmp/aur/packages-extracted-meta) [ -f /tmp/aur/packages-meta ] || { echo -e "Syncing AUR package database"; zcat <(curl |
jq --compact-output '.[] |
{ Name, Description } ' |
awk -F'"' -v OFS='\t\t' '{print $4, $8}'> /tmp/aur/packages-meta; }
d1=$(stat -c %y /tmp/aur/packages-meta)
d1="${d1:0:10}" d1="${d1:0:10}"
d2=$(date -I'date') d2=$(date -I'date')
# [[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { echo -e "Syncing AUR package database..."; wget -P /tmp/aur/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && gunzip -f /tmp/aur/packages.gz; echo "$(tail -n +2 /tmp/aur/packages)" > /tmp/aur/packages; } # [[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { echo -e "Syncing AUR package database..."; wget -P /tmp/aur/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && gunzip -f /tmp/aur/packages.gz; echo "$(tail -n +2 /tmp/aur/packages)" > /tmp/aur/packages; }
[[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && echo -e "Aur package info database out of date\nConsider updating (fpf -u)\nCAUTION: WILL take a long time\nConsider switching to a service unit" && sleep 1 [[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { echo -e "Syncing AUR package database..."; zcat <(curl |
jq --compact-output '.[] |
{ Name, Description } ' |
awk -F'"' -v OFS='\t\t' '{print $4, $8}'> /tmp/aur/packages-meta; }
# sort <(comm -23 <(sort /tmp/aur/packages) <(pacman -Qq | sort)) <(comm -12 <(sort /tmp/aur/packages) <(pacman -Qq | sort) | awk '{print $0" \033[32m*\033[0m"}') > /tmp/aur_packages # sort <(comm -23 <(sort /tmp/aur/packages) <(pacman -Qq | sort)) <(comm -12 <(sort /tmp/aur/packages) <(pacman -Qq | sort) | awk '{print $0" \033[32m*\033[0m"}') > /tmp/aur_packages
sort -o /tmp/aur/packages-descriptions-list{,} sort -o /tmp/aur/packages-meta{,}
echo "$(echo -e ' Select packages to install\n (use TAB to toggle selection)'; cat /tmp/aur/packages-descriptions-list)" > /tmp/aur/packages-descriptions-list echo "$(echo -e ' Select packages to install\n (use TAB to toggle selection)'; cat /tmp/aur/packages-meta)" > /tmp/aur/packages-meta
cat /tmp/aur/packages-descriptions-list | cat /tmp/aur/packages-meta |
fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ fzf -q "$1" -e -m \
--preview='cat <(yay -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Si {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} 2>/dev/null | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview='cat <(yay -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Si {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} 2>/dev/null | awk "{print \$2}")' \
--preview-window=65%:wrap \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \