fuckyourday/Chain App Dev/assets/css/templatemo-chain-app-dev.css

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2024-03-24 18:56:52 -05:00
TemplateMo 570 Chain App Dev
/* ---------------------------------------------
Table of contents
01. font & reset css
02. reset
03. global styles
04. header
05. banner
06. features
07. testimonials
08. contact
09. footer
10. preloader
11. search
12. portfolio
--------------------------------------------- */
font & reset css
html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, div
pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q,
s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
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global styles
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Banner Style
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background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
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overflow: hidden;
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content: '';
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background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
position: absolute;
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top: 0px;
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height: 100%;
z-index: 1;
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margin-right: 15px;
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z-index: 2;
position: relative;
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line-height: 70px;
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margin-bottom: 20px;
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margin-bottom: 45px;
color: #2a2a2a;
font-weight: 400;
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margin-right: 15px;
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display: inline-block;
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text-align: center;
position: relative;
z-index: 20;
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max-width: 710px;
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background-color: #4b8ef1;
color: #fff !important;
Services Style
.services {
padding-top: 130px;
position: relative;
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margin-top: 10px;
margin-left: 18%;
margin-right: 18%;
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padding-left: 65px;
padding-right: 65px;
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content: '';
background-image: url(../images/services-left-dec.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
bottom: -300px;
width: 261px;
height: 368px;
z-index: 0;
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content: '';
background-image: url(../images/services-right-dec.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
width: 1136px;
height: 244px;
z-index: 0;
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text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 80px;
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margin: 0 auto;
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position: relative;
z-index: 1;
padding: 30px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 50px;
transition: all .3s;
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margin-left: 0px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
transition: all .3s;
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transition: all .3s;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 700;
margin-bottom: 15px;
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transition: all .3s;
font-size: 15px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.service-item:hover h4,
.service-item:hover p,
.service-item:hover .text-button a {
color: #fff;
.first-service .icon {
background-image: url(../images/service-icon-01.png);
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background-image: url(../images/service-icon-hover-01.png);
.second-service .icon {
background-image: url(../images/service-icon-02.png);
.second-service:hover .icon {
background-image: url(../images/service-icon-hover-02.png);
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background-image: url(../images/service-icon-03.png);
.third-service:hover .icon {
background-image: url(../images/service-icon-hover-03.png);
.fourth-service .icon {
background-image: url(../images/service-icon-04.png);
.fourth-service:hover .icon {
background-image: url(../images/service-icon-hover-04.png);
.service-item:hover {
background-image: url(../images/service-bg.jpg);
background-position: right top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
About Us
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padding-top: 130px;
position: relative;
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margin-bottom: 45px;
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position: relative;
z-index: 1;
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box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.07);
padding: 10px 30px;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 40px;
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The Clients
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The Clients
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Free Quote
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Footer Style
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