version = "1.1.11" # [format] # Deduplicate icons if enable. # A superscripted counter will be added. # dedup = false # dedup_inactive_fullscreen = false # dedup more # window delimiter delim = " " # available formatter: # {counter_sup} - superscripted count of clients on the workspace, and simple {counter}, {delim} # {icon}, {client} # workspace formatter workspace = "{id}:{icon}" # {id}, {delim} and {clients} are supported workspace_empty = "{id}" # {id}, {delim} and {clients} are supported # client formatter #client = "{icon}" #client_active = "*{icon}*" # deduplicate client formatter # client_fullscreen = "[{icon}]" # client_dup = "{client}{counter_sup}" # client_dup_fullscreen = "[{icon}]{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused}" # client_dup_active = "*{icon}*{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused}" #[class] ## Add your icons mapping ## use double quote the key and the value ## take class name from 'hyprctl clients' #"DEFAULT" = " {class}: {title}" #"(?i)Kitty" = "term" #"[Ff]irefox" = "browser" #"(?i)waydroid.*" = "droid" [class_active] DEFAULT = "*{icon}*" "(?i)ExampleOneTerm" = "{icon}" # [initial_class] # "DEFAULT" = " {class}: {title}" # "(?i)Kitty" = "term" # [initial_class_active] # "(?i)Kitty" = "*TERM*" @[title_in_class."(?i)kitty"] @"(?i)neomutt" = "neomutt" # regex captures support is supported # "emerge: (.+?/.+?)-.*" = "{match1}" [title_in_class."(firefox|chrom.*)"] "(?i)youtube" = "ꟳ" "(?i)twitch" = "ꟳ" [title_in_class_active."(?i)firefox"] "(?i)twitch" = "{icon}" # [title_in_initial_class."(?i)kitty"] # "(?i)neomutt" = "neomutt" # [initial_title_in_class."(?i)kitty"] # "(?i)neomutt" = "neomutt" # [initial_title_in_initial_class."(?i)kitty"] # "(?i)neomutt" = "neomutt" #[initial_title."(?i)kitty"] #"zsh" = "Zsh" #[initial_title_active."(?i)kitty"] #"zsh" = "*Zsh*" # Add your applications that need to be exclude # The key is the class, the value is the title. # You can put an empty title to exclude based on # class name only, "" make the job. [exclude] "" = "^$" # prevent displaying icon for empty class "(?i)fcitx" = ".*" # will match all title for fcitx "(?i)TestApp" = "" # will match all title for TestApp aProgram = "^$" # will match null title for aProgram "[Ss]team" = "^(Friends List.*)?$" # will match Steam friends list plus all popups (empty titles) [workspaces_name] 0 = "zero" 1 = "one" 2 = "two" 3 = "three" 4 = "four" 5 = "five" 6 = "six" 7 = "seven" 8 = "eight" 9 = "nine" 10 = "ten" [class] DEFAULT = "" "(?i)firefox" = "" "(?i)kitty" = "" "(?i)alacritty" = "" bleachbit = "" burp-startburp = "" calibre-gui = "" "chrome-faolnafnngnfdaknnbpnkhgohbobgegn-default" = "" chromium = "" "Gimp-2.10" = "" code-oss = "" cssh = "" darktable = "" discord = "" dmenu-clipboard = "" dmenu-pass = "" duolingo = "" element = "" fontforge = "" gcr-prompter = "" gsimplecalc = "" "jetbrains-studio" = "" "kak" = "" kicad = "" "(?i)waydroid.*" = "droid" obsidian = "" "dmenu-emoji" = "" "dmenu-browser" = "" "dmenu-pass generator" = "" "qalculate-gtk" = "" krita = "" libreoffice-calc = "" libreoffice-impress = "" libreoffice-startcenter = "" libreoffice-writer = "" molotov = "" mpv = "" neomutt = "" nm-connection-editor = "" org-ksnip-ksnip = "" org-pwmt-zathura = "" org-qutebrowser-qutebrowser = "" org-telegram-desktop = "" paperwork = "" pavucontrol = "" personal = "" plexamp = "" qutepreview = "" rapid-photo-downloader = "" remote-viewer = "" sandboxed-tor-browser = "" scli = "" shopping = "" Signal = "" slack = "" snappergui = "" songrec = "" spotify = "" steam = "" streamlink-twitch-gui = "" sun-awt-x11-xframepeer = "" swappy = "" taskwarrior-tui = "" telegramdesktop = "" ".*transmission.*" = "" udiskie = "" vimiv = "" virt-manager = "" vlc = "" vncviewer = "" wayvnc = "󰀄" whatsapp-desktop = "" whatsapp-nativefier-d52542 = "" wire = "󰁀" wireshark-gtk = "" wlfreerdp = "󰀄" work = "" xplr = "" nemo = "" zoom = "" [exclude] "" = "^$" # prevent displaying clients with empty class