#!/usr/bin/bash ### Help Help() { helpF="/tmp/fpf-help" { printf "\n%s\n" "Use fzf to search and install with Pacman or Yay/Paru" printf "\n%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n" "SYNTAX" \ "fpf [-a| --aur] [-l| --list-installed] [-la| --list-aur-installed]" "[R| --remove] [-o| --orphans] [-h | --help]" printf "\n%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n" "EXAMPLE" "For official repo search:" \ "fpf [pkg name]" "For AUR search:" "fpf -a [pkg name]" printf "\n%s\n" "OPTIONS" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-l, --list-installed" "Search/List installed packages from official repo" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-la, --list-aur-installed" "Search/List installed packages from AUR" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-a, --aur" "Search/List and install from AUR with Yay" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-R, -remove" "Search/List installed packages for removal" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-o, --orphans" "Search/List orphaned packages for removal" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-U, --update" "Show packages with updates available" printf "\t%s\n\\t\t%s\n\n" "-h, --help" "Print this help screen"; } > "$helpF" } KBINDS() { kbindF="/tmp/fpf-kbinds" { printf "\n%s\n\n %s\n" "Keybinds:" "GLOBAL" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + h'" "Show help in the preview window" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + k'" "Show the keybinds in the preview window" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + /'" "Toggle the preview window" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + n'" "Move to the next selected item" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + b'" "Back to previoius selected item" printf "\n %s\n" "AUR" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + p'" "Preview the highlighted pkgbuild file" printf "\t%s\t%s\n" "'ctrl + x'" "Return to the highlighted pkg info"; } > "$kbindF" } # Check things are up to date UpdateInfos() { [ -f /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.files ] || { printf "Syncing files database"; sudo pacman -Fy; } d1=$(stat -c %y /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.files) d2=$(stat -c %y /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db) d1="${d1:0:10}" d2="${d2:0:10}" [[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { printf "Files database is out of date\nSyncing now..."; sudo pacman -Fy; } } UpdateAurInfos() { [[ ! -d /tmp/aur ]] && mkdir -p /tmp/aur zcat <(curl https://aur.archlinux.org/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz) | jq --compact-output '.[] | { Name, Description } ' | awk -F'"' '{ printf "%-20s\t%s\n", $4, $8}' > /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta while IFS= read -r pkgName; do grep -w "^$pkgName " /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta >> /tmp/aur/fpf-installed done < <(pacman -Qqm) sort <(comm -23 <(cat /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta | sort) <( cat /tmp/aur/fpf-installed | sort)) \ <(comm -12 <( cat /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta | sort) <(cat /tmp/aur/fpf-installed | sort) | awk -F"\t" '{print $1" \033[32m*\033[0m ", $2}') -o /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta } AurFD() { [ -f /tmp/aur/packages-meta ] || printf "Syncing AUR package information..." && UpdateAurInfos d1=$(stat -c %y /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta) d1="${d1:0:10}" d2=$(date -I'date') [[ "${d2///-/}" > "${d1//-/}" ]] && { printf "Syncing AUR package information..."; UpdateAurInfos; } } # Check AUR helper AHELPR="" if [[ -z "$AHELPR" ]] then if [[ -f /usr/bin/paru ]] then AHELPR="paru" elif [[ -f /usr/bin/yay ]] then AHELPR="yay" else printf "Suitable AUR Helper not found.\nPlease install \"paru\" or \"yay\" to continue." exit 1 fi fi # Create the helper files Help KBINDS ### Official Repo # Get Official package list, sort, mark installed, preview infos and finally hand off to pacman for install Official() { printf "Setting things up..." sort <(comm -23 <(expac -S '%-20n\t%d' | sort) <(expac '%-20n\t%d' | sort)) <(comm -12 <(expac -S '%-20n\t%d' | sort) \ <(expac '%-20n\t%d' | sort) | awk -F"\t" '{print $1"\033[32m*\033[0m ", $2}') &>/dev/null > /tmp/fpf-packages fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ --preview='cat <(pacman -Si {1}) <(pacman -Fl {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=55%:wrap:border-sharp \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e '\n Select packages to install\n (use TAB to toggle selection)\n\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --tiebreak=begin,chunk,length \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected < /tmp/fpf-packages | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/\*$//' | xargs -ro sudo pacman -S } # List installed pkgs Installed() { expac '%-20n\t%d' | fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ --preview='cat <(pacman -Qik {1}) <(echo "") <(pacman -Fl {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e '\n Select packages to print info\n (use TAB to toggle selection)\n\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected | xargs -ro pacman -Qik } # Remove installed pkgs Remove() { expac '%-20n\t%d' | fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ --preview='cat <(pacman -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || yay -Qi {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Qi {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e '\n Select packages to remove\n (use TAB to toggle selection)\n\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected | xargs -ro sudo pacman -Rsn } # Update installed pkgs Update() ( viewUpdates() { fzf --preview='cat <(pacman -Si {1}) <(pacman -Fl {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e '\nPackages with updates available:\n\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/{1}/-/commits/main ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected < /tmp/fpf-updates > /dev/null [[ "$(printf '\nWould you like to update? [y/N]> ' >&2; read; echo $REPLY)" == [Nn]* ]] \ && printf "\nPlease update soon :(\n" || sudo pacman -Syu } checkupdates > "/tmp/fpf-updates" [ -s "/tmp/fpf-updates" ] && viewUpdates || printf "\nThere are no available updates :)\n" ) ### AUR # Get AUR package database, remove unwanted lines, sort, mark installed, preview infos and finally hand off to yay for install Aur() { AurFD fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ --preview='cat <(yay -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Si {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} 2>/dev/null | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=55%:wrap:border-sharp \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e ' Select packages to install\n (use TAB to toggle selection)\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --tiebreak=begin,chunk,length \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind=ctrl-p:preview:'curl --silent https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD\?h={1}' \ --bind=ctrl-x:preview:'cat <(yay -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Si {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} 2>/dev/null | awk "{print \$2}")' \ < /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/\*$//' | xargs -ro $AHELPR -S } # List installed pkgs only from AUR AurInstalled() { AurFD while IFS= read -r pkgName; do grep -w "^$pkgName " /tmp/aur/fpf-packages-meta >> /tmp/aur/fpf-installed done < <(pacman -Qqm) fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ --preview 'cat <(pacman -Qik {1}) <(echo "") <(pacman -Ql {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e ' Select packages to print info\n (use TAB to toggle selection)\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected \ --bind=ctrl-p:preview:'curl --silent https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD\?h={1}' \ --bind=ctrl-x:preview:'cat <(pacman -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || yay -Qi {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Qi {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ < /tmp/aur/fpf-installed | xargs -ro pacman -Qik } # Update AUR installed pkgs UpdateAURpkgs() ( viewAURUpdates() { fzf --preview='cat <(yay -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Si {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} 2>/dev/null | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e '\nPackages with updates available:\n\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ --bind=ctrl-p:preview:'curl --silent https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD\?h={1}' \ --bind=ctrl-x:preview:'cat <(pacman -Si {1} 2>/dev/null || yay -Qi {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Qi {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' < "/tmp/aur/fpf-updates" > /dev/null [[ "$(printf '\nWould you like to update? [y/N]> ' >&2; read; echo $REPLY)" == [Nn]* ]] \ && printf "\nPlease update soon :(\n" || yay -a rm /tmp/aur/fpf-updates } while true; do printf "Reading yay updates" & eval "$(yay -a > /tmp/aur/fpf-yay & sleep ${2:3})"; break; done touch "/tmp/aur/fpf-updates"; grep '^[0-9]' "/tmp/aur/fpf-yay" | cut -c 8- > "/tmp/aur/fpf-updates" [ -s "/tmp/aur/fpf-updates" ] && viewAURUpdates || printf "\nThere are no available updates :)\n" ) ### ORPHANS # List orphaned packages and remove selected Orphans() { [ -f /tmp/fpf-orphans ] || while IFS= read -r pkgName; do expac '%-20n\t%d' "$pkgName" >> /tmp/fpf-orphans done < <(pacman -Qtdq) fzf -q "$1" -e -m \ --preview='cat <(pacman -Qik {1} 2>/dev/null || yay -Qi {1} 2>/dev/null || paru -Qi {1}) <(pacman -Ql {1} | awk "{print \$2}")' \ --preview-window=65%:wrap \ --layout=reverse \ --marker='>>' \ --header="$(echo -e ' Select packages to remove\n (use TAB to toggle selection)\n')" \ --info=hidden \ --ansi \ --margin="2%,1%,2%,1%" \ --cycle \ --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo ⌇ {1} ⌇' \ --bind=ctrl-k:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-kbinds" \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:"cat /tmp/fpf-help" \ --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-b:prev-selected \ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|)' \ < /tmp/fpf-orphans | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -ro sudo pacman -Rsn } ### MAIN # Update the files database UpdateInfos # Test for AUR option, if not run with pacman if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^- ]]; then Official "$1" else for opt in "$@"; do case $opt in -a|--aur) Aur "$2" ;; -l|--list-installed) Installed "$2" ;; -la|--list-aur-installed) AurInstalled "$2" ;; -o|--orphans) Orphans "$2" ;; -R|--remove) Remove "$2" ;; -U|--update) Update ;; -Ua|--update-aur) UpdateAURpkgs "$2" ;; -h|--help) Help cat "/tmp/fpf-help" ;; -*) Help sed -i "2s/.*/Invalid Usage/" /tmp/fpf-help head -n 13 "/tmp/fpf-help" ;; esac done fi