### Custom Alias File ## sourced by .zshrc # Aliases alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias ec="$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc" # edit .zshrc alias sc="source $HOME/.zshrc" # reload zsh configuration #alias cp="cp -i" # Confirm before overwriting something alias df='df -h' # Human-readable sizes alias free='free -m' # Show sizes in MB ### Check on free space and overgrowing files alias freespace="sudo du -h /* --exclude={'proc','run'}| sort -hr | less" ### Get system info via inxi [use -z for private filters] alias sysinfo="sudo inxi -FdfiJlmopru -W 75013 -xxx -t && echo -e ' \n' && systemd-analyze" ### EXA export EXA_COLORS="uu=38;5;42:di=38;5;33:fi=38;5;183:ex=38;5;125:sn=38;5;13:sb=38;5;13:uw=38;5;91:gw=38;5;91:tw=38;5;91:ur=38;5;11:gr=38;5;11:tr=38;5;11:ux=38;5;42:gx=38;5;42:tx=38;5;42:ue=38;5;42" export EXA_ICON_SPACING=1 alias ls='exa --icons --color always' # ls alias ll='exa -lbGFa --git --icons --color always' # long list alias llm='exa -lbGF --git --sort=modified' # long list, modified date sort alias la='exa -bGFa --git --color always --icons' # shorter all list alias lla='exa -lbhHigUmuSa --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale --icons' # longer all list alias lx='exa -lbhHigUmuSa@ --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale' # all ### BAT export BAT_THEME="Dracula" export BAT_STYLE="full" alias cat='bat' ### COPYFILE # cpy() { # xclip -sel c "$@" && echo -e "\n\"$@\" was copied to the clipboard\n" # } ### COPYFILE WAYLAND cpy(){ cat "$@" | wl-copy && echo -e "\n\"$@\" was copied to the clipboard\n" } ### Fuzzy History Finder utility fhf() { cat $HOME/.histfile | fzf --scheme=history \ --cycle \ --border=double \ --border-label="| Command History |" \ --margin=2,4,2,4 \ --padding=0,4,0,4 \ --color='fg+:15,fg:42,hl+:134,hl:123,query:134,gutter:0,label:134,border:134,prompt:15,pointer:15,marker:15,header:123' \ --prompt=' ' \ --pointer='󰧚 ' \ --header="Select command to copy" \ --info=hidden \ --no-scrollbar \ --reverse \ --tac | tr -d '\n' | #xclip -sel c wl-copy } ### Fuzzy Man Finder utility fmf() { man -k . | sort - | fzf -q "$1" +m \ --cycle \ --reverse \ --color='fg+:15,fg:42,hl+:134,hl:123,query:134,gutter:0,label:134,border:134,prompt:15,pointer:15,marker:15,header:123' \ --prompt=' ' \ --pointer='󰧚 ' \ --tiebreak=begin,chunk,length \ --preview="echo -e '\n\t\t\t\t \033[4mCHEAT SHEET:\033[0m\n'; cheat {1}; echo -e '\n\t\t\t\t \033[4mTLDR:\033[0m\n'; tldr {1}; echo -e '\n\t\t\t\t \033[4mMANUAL PAGE:\033[0m\n'; man -Hw3m {1} 2> /dev/null" \ --preview-window=62%:wrap:border-rounded \ --preview-label="| Manual Entry |" } ### Fuzzy Cheatsheat utility (WIP may replace fmf) \?() { curl -s cheat.sh/:list > /tmp/cheatlist fzf --preview='curl -s cheat.sh/{}; echo; man -Hw3m {} 2> /dev/null' \ --bind=ctrl-h:preview:'curl -s cheat.sh/:help' \ --preview-window=62%:wrap:border-rounded \ --color='fg+:15,fg:42,hl+:134,hl:123,query:134,gutter:0,label:134,border:134,prompt:15,pointer:15,marker:15,header:123' \ --tiebreak=begin,chunk,length \ --reverse \ --cycle \ --prompt=' ' \ --pointer='󰧚 ' \ < /tmp/cheatlist } ### Emoji selector emojis() { emojis=$(curl -sSL 'https://git.io/JXXO7') echo $emojis | fzf --cycle \ --border=double \ --border-label="| Emoji Selector |" \ --margin=2,20,2,20 \ --padding=0,10,0,22 \ --height=60% \ --color='fg+:15,fg:42,hl+:134,hl:123,query:134,gutter:0,label:134,border:134,prompt:15,pointer:15,marker:15,header:123' \ --prompt=' ' \ --pointer='󰧚 ' \ --header="Select emoji to copy" \ --info=hidden \ --no-scrollbar \ --tiebreak=begin,chunk,length \ --reverse | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '\n' | # xclip -sel c wl-copy } ### Test terminal color codes and visual appearance alias colors="curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/HaleTom/89ffe32783f89f403bba96bd7bcd1263/raw/ | bash" ### Launch PowerShell w fancy ps1 alias pwsh="pwsh -NoExit -c /home/ez/OMP/pwshPromt.ps1" ### Pacnew file maintenance with pacdiff using meld alias pacnew="sudo DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff" ### IM A CHILD 🖕() { echo -e "\n\t\t🖕\n\tFuck you too, bud\n" }